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Paraguay was discovered in 1524 by the Spanish adelantado, Alejo García, forming the “Giant Province of the Indies”. Between the discovery and subsequent operations, the best-known names of that time were Sebastián Gaboto, Pedro de Mendoza, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Juan de Salazar de Espinoza, Juan de Ayolas, Domingo Martínez de Irala and others who had a significant role in the founding of forts and towns and initiated, in alliance with the indigenous communities, a process of social formation marked by the strength of the conquerors and the evangelizing action of the Catholic Church. The first missionaries were from the order of Saint Francis of Assisi, then came the priests of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, both evangelizers left a cultural legacy of great importance for Paraguay.

Spanish rule came to an end in 1811 with the May 14 Revolution, when a group of patriots decided to found an independent and sovereign country.

The new Republic took constitutional status with the Government of Don Carlos Antonio López in 1844 and experienced surprising economic, technical and social development. During that time, services such as the railroad, merchant shipping and the telegraph were established. Large and beautiful buildings were built, a shipyard was installed and the first steel plant in America.

Today, Paraguay is a Social State of Law with a democratic regime, whose government is exercised by three powers: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The territory is divided into 17 departments governed by a governor, a departmental council and each district has a local government headed by a municipal mayor.

Multiculturalism makes Paraguay a unique and different country, in continuous evolution. With indigenous populations from five linguistic families, with Guaraní prevailing, and the presence of immigrants from various countries around the world, they contributed to the first Spanish-Guarani mixture, an extraordinary richness in cultural manifestations.

Crafts and gastronomy

Paraguayan crafts have two different aspects: the indigenous and the assimilated by the colonizers. In the first case, the predominant use of natural elements for craft production stands out, such as feathers and skins, the use of roots, leaves and rushes to produce fabrics, wood and clay.

Paraguayan crafts are mainly nourished by the elements introduced by the conquest through the use of fibers, metals, wood and machinery. Cotton and wool spinning, weaving, leather treatment, stone and wood carving, goldsmithing, pottery and ceramics are production lines that can be admired in clothing, ñandutí, ao poí, ponchos, hammocks, tablecloths, gold and silver filigree, imagery and the manufacture of musical instruments, among others.

Paraguay's national cuisine is based on agricultural products and meat. Its main ingredients are corn, cassava, and peanuts. Its best-known products are chipá, sopa paraguaya, chipá candói, mbejú, chipá guasú, and kaburé. Beef is a component present in so'ó mbichy, chastaca, chipá so'o, soyo, bife pupú, locro, and other dishes. International cuisine has a prominent place in the gastronomic offer with exquisite dishes and delicious desserts, not to mention the variety of fruits that exist throughout most of the year.






Situación geográfica

Paraguay, situado en el corazón de América del Sur -país mediterráneo comprendido entre los paralelos 19º 18´ y 27º 36´ de latitud sur, y los meridianos 59º 19´ y 62º 38´ de longitud oeste-, limita al norte con Brasil y Bolivia, al este con Brasil y Argentina, al sur con Argentina y al oeste con Argentina y Bolivia.



El Río Paraguay divide al territorio paraguayo en dos Regiones:
- Oriental: Departamentos de Amambay,

Caaguazú, Caazapá, Canindeyú, Central, Concepción, Guairá, Itapúa, Cordillera, Misiones, Ñeembucú, Paraguarí y San Pedro.;  (39,3% del territorio nacional y alberga al 97,3% de la población)

- Occidental (Chaco): Departamentos de Alto Paraguay, Alto Paraná, Boquerón, Presidente Hayes (60,7% del territorio nacional y alberga al 2,7% de la población)


Tropical a subtropical. Temperatura promedio: 25º a 40º en verano y 10º a 20º en invierno.

Huso horario

GMT -3


6.929.152 habitantes.


Idiomas oficiales

Castellano y Guaraní.



Guaraní, se aceptan además Dólares Americanos, Pesos Argentinos, Reales, Euros.


220 voltios y 50 ciclos.



Feriados Oficiales

1º de enero - Año Nuevo

1º de marzo - Día de los Héroes

Jueves y viernes santos

1º de mayo - Día del Trabajador

14 y 15 de mayo - Independencia Nacional

12 de junio - Paz del Chaco

15 de agosto - Fundación de Asunción

29 de setiembre - Batalla de Boquerón

8 de diciembre - Virgen de Caacupé

25 de diciembre - Navidad



Libertad de culto garantizada constitucionalmente. Religión predominante: Católica Apostólica Romana.



República. Democracia representativa. Poder Ejecutivo (sistema presidencialista). Poder Legislativo Bicameral (Cámara de Senadores y Cámara de Diputados). Poder Judicial.

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